Our Story

Smiley face Welcome to Sri's Kitchen, where passion meets tradition on the streets of Kansas City! Founded by Chef Sri, whose culinary journey began in her parents' successful restaurant in India. Our food truck is a manifestation of her life-long dream. Sri's Kitchen food truck is KC's first Indian food truck, pioneering the vibrant flavors of India in the heart of the city. Drawing inspiration from her mother's authentic Indian recipes, Chef Sri infuses each dish with a touch of nostalgia and expertise.

Smiley face Alongside her husband Jason, a proud Navy veteran, they bring a unique blend of flavors to the vibrant food scene of KC. From traditional favorites to innovative fusions, every bite is crafted with care and served with a side of Love. Join us on a culinary adventure where each meal tells a story of heritage, dedication, and the joy of sharing good food with good people.

Book our food truck for a private event!